Video Work 2003-2018
My narrative video work engages the language of cinema through "minor" play, using consumer technologies and non-actors to sculpt vernacular stories from archival documentary source materials. The economy of the narratives deliberately exploit the signification gap between stratified media conventions to illuminate the delicate entanglements of power between the social and the psyche.
In Xanadu (2017-19, 17 minutes)
Untitled (Expanding Room) (2015—; site-specific installation)
Tell Me Everything, 2013, 50 minutes)
Masturbation in Space, (commissioned for "Strange Attractors," book, DVD, and touring screening 2012, 4
Horizon (2011, 13 minutes)
Divorce 2.0 (2010, 14 minutes)
Protest Rushes (2008-2009, variable)
UFO Days (2008, 7.5 minutes)
New Testament (2007, 20 minutes)
Rock and a Hard Place (2006, 23 minutes)
World Contact (2004, 14 minutes)
No Downlink (2003, 10 minutes)